Sir Syed College
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Sir Syed Central Library

The college has a well-equipped library with 43000+ books and 72 journals of national and international level. Automated library provides Online Public Access catalogue (OPAC), computerized circulation with barcoding technology, high speed internet, 6000+ e-journals (Full text) and 199500 e-books under NLIST/INFLIBNET programme of UGC, digital collections on various subjects (“Greenstone” digital library), etc.

New Arrivals

General Rules

  • Identity cards issued by the College should be produced at the counter before entering the library.
  • Personal articles such as books, bags, umbrellas, files etc., are not allowed in the library.
  • Students are allowed to keep only blank sheets of paper and pen in the library.
  • Library is a place for serious reading and research. Strict silence should be maintained in the library and its premises.
  • Students can get the books issued from the library by producing the identity card.
  • The students should examine the book issued to them and any damage, marking if any, should be reported to the staff before leaving the counter.
  • The students will be held responsible for any defect detected when the book is returned and he /she will be liable to replace the defective book with a new one or pay such compensation as may be fixed by the Government/University.
  • The loan period is normally 14 days. But the Librarian reserves the right to recall any book at any time from any student, staff even when the period of loan is not over.
  • The loan period may be extended or shortened at the discretion of the Librarian
  • If the book issued from the library is not returned on or before the due date, a fine of one rupee per day will be levied for each book.
  • If a book issued is lost, the matter should immediately be reported to the Librarian
  • If a book is irrecoverably lost, it must be replaced with a new one or the cost as may be fixed by the Government/University should be paid.
  • Members shall not sub lend the books of the library.
  • All documents issued from the Library to the students and the members of the staff should be returned on or before the last working day of the academic year or on the date fixed by the Librarian.
  • Any matter not covered by the forgoing rules shall be decided by the principal.

Administrative Setup

The Library Advisory Committee with Principal as Chairman, Librarian as Secretary, representatives from the Heads of Departments and One representative from the students as members lays down the policy and programme of the library.



The Library collections have been classified according to Dewey Decimal Classification Scheme (International Scheme for subject classification). The software used for library management is "BOOKMAGIC".


Working Hours

The library will be kept open on all working days including saturdays from
9.00 AM to 8.00 PM



Membership of the library is open to Staff, Research Scholars and Students of this college.Retired teachers of this college, students and teachers of sister institutions and the public are also allowed to use the library.

Facilities and Services

Automated library

Automated Library with Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC), Online Circulation with Barcoding Technology, Book View Status, etc

E-learning Centre

An e-learning centre with 24 computers and high speed internet with printers and scanner under FIST programme funded by DST, Govt. of India is functioning in the library for providing various online services.

NLIST e-book & e-journal consortia

Access to 6000+ electronic journals (Full text) and 164300 e-books is being provided to the staff and students under NLIST (Abridged form of INFLIBNET) programme of UGC. Faculty members, research scholars and students have been provided individual username and password so that they can use this facility in the campus as well as outside.

Digital library cum Institutional repository

A digital library cum institutional repository software "Greenstone" has been installed in the server system of the library by which the staff and students can have the access to digital literature on various subjects through nine terminals.


  • Bound volumes of periodicals
  • Bound volumes of question papers
  • Compact discs
  • Home lending of documents
  • Reference service
  • Bibliographic service
  • New addition alert service
  • User orientation
  • Career guidance
  • Etc.