Sir Syed College
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BSc Chemistry students who secured the runner-up position in the sports meet 2023-24, showcasing exceptional dedication and skill both in academics and athletics.

Emergence with the experts, session 3: Building your career blueprint, Biostatistics and Data science perspective. The session will be handled by Dr. Ismail B, Prof & HoD, Statistics, Yenepoya (Deemed to be University) Mangalore.

Elevating Insights: Conversation with a mathematical genius. Parthiv KP, tenth standard student and a mathematical prodigy, five times gold medal winner of state level mathematics talent search examination.

2024 മാർച്ച് മാസത്തെ ഫെതേർസ്, ഇന്ന് 11 മണിക്ക് നടന്ന ഗണിതശാസ്ത്ര വിഭാഗത്തിൻ്റെ പ്രോഗ്രാം ഉൾപ്പെടെ ഉൾക്കൊള്ളിച്ച് കൊണ്ട് ഇന്നു തന്നെ പ്രസിദ്ധീകരിക്കാൻ സാധിച്ച വിവരം ചാരിതാർഥ്യ പൂർവ്വം അറിയിക്കട്ടെ. മാർച്ച് ലക്കം ഫെതേർസിൻ്റെ ഹാർഡ് കോപ്പി, പ്രിൻസിപ്പാൾ ക്യാബിനിൽ വെച്ച് നടന്ന ചടങ്ങിൽ ബഹുമാനപ്പെട്ട പ്രിൻസിപ്പാൾ ഡോ ഇസ്മയിൽ ഒലായിക്കര പ്രകാശനം ചെയ്തു. പ്രകാശന കർമ്മത്തോടനുബന്ധിച്ച്, എസ് എസ് ക്രിയേഷനു വേണ്ടി സമയബന്ധിതമായി ഫെതേർസ് ഡിസൈൻ ചെയ്തു തന്ന ബി എം എം സി രണ്ടാം വർഷ പഠിതാക്കളായ ഫജാസ്, ആയുഷ്, റസിൻ, നവാർ എന്നീ വിദ്യാർത്ഥികളെ ഉപഹാരം നൽകി ആദരിച്ചു. വളരെ പെട്ടെന്ന് ഡാറ്റകൾ അയച്ചു തന്ന് സഹകരിച്ച ഡിപ്പാർട്മെൻ് / ക്ലബ്ബ് പ്രതിനിധികൾക്കും, സാമ്പത്തിക പിന്തുണ നൽകുന്ന PTA യ്ക്കും കൃജ്ഞതകൾ രേഖപ്പെടുത്തുന്നു. -ടീം ഫെതേർസ് - ?

Hey All , Department Of Zoology & Biodiversity Club , Sir Syed College , Taliparamba is organising an online quiz as part of International Forest Day . Participants do click the below to know more.

The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) India is set to celebrate Earth Hour 2024 on March 23 from 8.30 p.m. to 9.30 p.m., worldwide. Naure Club and Department of Forestry, Sir Syed Colllege is also took part in the campaign. ഭൂമിയെ സംരക്ഷിക്കുക എന്ന സന്ദേശവുമായി വേള്‍ഡ് വൈഡ് ഫണ്ട് ഫോര്‍ നേച്ചര്‍ (WWF) ആരംഭിച്ച ഈ സംരംഭത്തില്‍ 190ല്‍പ്പരം ലോകരാഷ്ട്രങ്ങള്‍ സാധാരണയായി എല്ലാ വര്‍ഷവും മാര്‍ച്ച് മാസത്തിലെ അവസാനത്തെ ശനിയാഴ്ച ഒരു മണിക്കൂര്‍ പ്രതീകാത്മകമായി വൈദ്യുതി വിളക്കുകള്‍ അണച്ച് പങ്കുചേരുന്നു. ഇത്തവണ മാര്‍ച്ച് 23 ന് ഭൗമ മണിക്കൂര്‍ ആചരിക്കാനാണ് ആഹ്വാനം.വൈദ്യുതി ഉപയോഗം ക്രമാതീതമായി ഉയരുന്ന ഈ കാലഘട്ടത്തില്‍ ഭൗമ മണിക്കൂര്‍ ആചരണത്തിന് വലിയ പ്രസക്തിയുണ്ട്.’

Research and PG department of Commerce is Unveiling Wall Magazine prepared by first year B.Com students

World Water Day celebrates water and inspires action to tackle the global water crisis. A core focus of World Water Day is to support the achievement of Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 6: water and sanitation for all by 2030. World Water Day is an annual United Nations Observance – held on 22 March – focusing on the importance of freshwater, coordinated by UN-Water and led by one or more UN-Water Members and Partners with a related mandate.

The United Nations General Assembly proclaimed 21 March the International Day of Forests in 2012 to celebrate and raise awareness of the importance of all types of forests. Countries are encouraged to undertake local, national and international efforts to organize activities involving forests and trees, such as tree planting campaigns.

Department of Forestry in association with Nature Club, Sir Syed College is conducting an online quiz Competition as part of the International Forest day Celebration.

Department of Forestry in association with Nature Club Sir Syed College Thaliparampa is organising a poster designing and Cartoon Competition in the light of world forest day celebration. The theme for the poster designing Competition is "Human animal interactions" and the theme for cartoon drawing competition is "Forest Fire". Exciting prices are awaiting the winners.

PG and Research Department of Commerce is visiting the MIZONE incubation centre and interacting with business leaders

സഹപ്രവർത്തകരെ കോമേഴ്‌സ് ഡിപ്പാർട്മെന്റ് Geojit Financial Services Ltd മായി സഹകരിച്ച് മാർച്ച്‌ 20 ന് ബുധനാഴ്ച ഉച്ചക്ക് 1.30 മുതൽ 3.00 മണി വരെ *Stock Market Trading* ൽ Workshop സംഘടിപ്പിക്കുന്നു. Stock Market Trading പുതുതായി ആരംഭിച്ചവർക്കും ആരംഭിക്കുവാൻ ആഗ്രഹിക്കുന്നവർക്കും കൂടുതൽ അറിയുവാൻ താല്പര്യമുള്ളവർക്കും പങ്കെടുക്കാവുന്നതാണ്. പുതുതായി ഡിമാറ്റ് അക്കൗണ്ട് ആരംഭിക്കുന്നതിനുള്ള സൗകര്യവും ഉണ്ടായിരിക്കുന്നതാണ്. പങ്കെടുക്കുവാൻ ആഗ്രഹിക്കുന്നവർ 8547208822 whatsaap നമ്പർ വഴി രജിസ്റ്റർ ചെയ്യേണ്ടതാണ്.

Department of Botany, Sir Syed College has started a new initiative entitled “Nutrifarm” to raise the saplings of various medicinal, aromatic and crop plants with the help of students as part of the add on course. This year mentha plants were propagated and the harvest ceremony was inaugurated by Prof. Ismail Olayikkara, Principal of Sir Syed College.

The three national Science Academies offer several two-month Summer Fellowships to enable students/teachers (studying/teaching in India) to work with scientists associated with the three Academies during 2024.

Department of English in association with Debate and Quiz Club, Sir Syed College is organising an Interdepartmental quiz competition on 19/03/2024.

Dear all... Gender equality cell is organizing an awareness talk on 'laws fostering gender justice' tomorrow at 10.30am at seminar hall. All are cordially invited ?.

The Department of chemistry organized a career guidance program titled "Dream your path" for chemistry students on February 14, 2024 at 1:45 pm in the seminar hall. the session was conducted by Dr. Ashwani Kumar, who provided invaluable insight into various career paths available to chemistry students.

The PTA meeting for BSc Chemistry first year students took place on February 7, 2024 at 2.00 pm. Twenty parents actively participated in the meeting discussing various aspects of their children's academic progress and welfare.

The "Symphony of Molecules" event, featuring Nobel Laureate Professor Morten Meldal from the University of Copenhagen, captivated attendees at Kannur University on February 10, 2024, starting at 10:30 am. Professor Meldal, renowned for his contributions to chemistry, shared insights into groundbreaking research and innovations in the field. Five students from our department, accompanied by teacher Ashwini Kumar, were among the enthusiastic participants, gaining valuable knowledge and inspiration from the laureate's discourse.

An Industrial visit to IIT Dwarka Delhi , was organized by Mohammed Sayeed T, HOD of Chemistry Department on 24th January 2024. 39 students along with 2 professors and 1 lab assistant visited integrated institute of technology Dwarka Delhi.

The alumni interaction session with Adhila K P, a certified medical coder at CLARUS Chennai, proved immensely insightful for both PG and UG students. Adhila shared invaluable real-world experiences, offering practical insights into the medical coding field. Her journey from being a student to a successful professional resonated deeply with the current students, inspiring them to strive for excellence in their own careers.

പ്ലാസ്റ്റിക് മാലിന്യ നിർമാർജ്ജനം- ബോധവൽക്കരണം WWF സർ സയ്യിദ് കോളജ് ബോട്ടണി വിഭാഗവും ഭൂമിത്ര സേന ക്ലബും സംയുക്തമായി കടലിൽ തള്ളുന്ന പ്ലാസ്റ്റിക് മാലിന്യ നിർമാർജ്ജനം, അതുപോലെ അവയുടെ ഉപയോഗം കുറക്കാനുള്ള മാർഗ്ഗ നിർദ്ദേശങ്ങൾ, ബോധവൽക്കരണം എന്നിവയെ അടിസ്ഥാന മാക്കി ഒരു വർഷം നീണ്ടു നിൽക്കുന്ന പ്രോജക്ട് ഉത്ഘാടനം ചെയ്യപ്പെട്ടു. WWF കേരള റിസർച്ച് ഓഫീസർ ശ്രീ ശിവകുമാർ മുഖ്യ അതിഥി ആയി.

*പ്രിയരെ*, സർ സയ്യിദ് കോളേജ്, കോമേഴ്‌സ് ഡിപ്പാർട്ട്മെന്റിനെ സംബന്ധിച്ചെടുത്തോളം ചരിത്രപരമായ ഒരു മുഹൂർത്തത്തിനാണ് 2024 മാർച്ച് 11 നു സാക്ഷ്യം വഹിക്കുന്നത്. സർ സയ്യിദ് കോളേജ് സ്ഥാപിതമായ 1967 ൽ തന്നെ നിലവിൽ വന്ന കോമേഴ്‌സ് വകുപ്പിൽ *1969* ൽ *ബി കോം* കോഴ്‌സും, *1980* ൽ *എം* *കോം* കോഴ്‌സും ആരംഭിച്ചു. ഏറെ കാലത്തിനു ശേഷം ഡിപ്പാർട്മെന്റിനു *2023* ൽ *റിസർച്ച് സെന്റർl* അനുവദിക്കപ്പെട്ടു. നിലവിൽ 3 റിസർച് സൂപ്പർവൈസർമാരും 11 ഗവേഷണ വിദ്യാർത്ഥികളുമാണ് കോമേഴ്‌സ് വകുപ്പ് റിസർച് സെന്ററിൽ ഉള്ളത്. പുതുതായി അനുവദിക്കപ്പെട്ട റിസർച്ച് സെന്ററിന്റെ ഉൽഘാടനം ബഹു: നജീബ് കാന്തപുരം എം എൽ എ നിർവ്വഹിക്കുകയാണ്. ഏവരെയും ഈ ചരിത്ര മുഹൂർത്തത്തിലേക്ക് സ്നേഹപൂർവ്വം ക്ഷണിക്കുന്നു. *Principal*, *CDMEA* & *Team Commerce*. -------------------------

Research centre inauguration

Ladies Association of Sir Syed College organised an event in the light of International Women's Day Celebration. Felicitation to the toppers were also given.

*Prof. T. ILYAS Memorial* *All Kerala College Staff* *Turf FootballTournament* *2024* (3rd Edition) ????????? ?️ *01-03-2024* Friday ⏰ *4.30 PM onwards* Venue : Caribbean Arena, Taliparamba ( Near Sir Syed College) ---------------------------------------- *നിബന്ധനകൾ* ? ഗ്രൗണ്ട് ഫീ Rs 2500/ ? രജിസ്ട്രേഷന് ഫീസ് പൂർണ്ണമായോ 1500 / രൂപ അഡ്വാൻസായോ നൽകേണ്ടതാണ്. അഡ്വാൻസ് യാതൊരു കാരണവശാലും തിരിച്ച് ലഭിക്കുന്നതല്ല. (limited team only - first cum first) ? വിജയികൾക്ക് 10000/ രൂപയും റണ്ണർ അപ്പ് 8000/ രൂപയും ക്യാഷ് പ്രൈസ് ലഭിക്കുന്നതാണ്. ? 6 പേരുടെ ടീമിൽ പരമാവധി 2 നോൺ ടീച്ചിങ്ങ് കളിക്കാർക്ക് ഗ്രൗണ്ടിൽ ഇറങ്ങാവുന്നതാണ്. ? ആകെ 10 പേരുടെ ടീമിൽ പരമാവധി 4 നോൺ ടീച്ചിങ്ങ് ഉൾപ്പെടുത്താം. ? റെജിസ്ട്രേഷൻ ഫീ/ അഡ്വാൻസ് +91 9895412679 എന്ന നമ്പറിൽ ഫെബ്രുവരി 22 നകം ഗൂഗിൾ പേ ചെയ്യേണ്ടതാണ്.

One day workshop on Media Research by Muhammed Musthafa ( Phd Research Scholar, Calicut University)

സ്റ്റാഫ്‌ അസോസിയേഷന്റെ നേതൃത്വത്തിൽ അധ്യാപകർക്കായി FYUGP എന്ന വിഷയത്തെ ആസ്പദമാക്കി ഒരു ഓറിയന്റേഷൻ പ്രോഗ്രാം ഫെബ്രുവരി 19 ആം തീയ്യതി രാവിലെ 10.00 മണിക്ക് കോളേജിൽ വെച്ച് നടത്തുന്നു.

ധാരണാപത്രം ഒപ്പുവെച്ചു തളിപ്പറമ്പ് സർ സയ്യിദ് കോളേജ്,കാഞ്ഞങ്ങാട് നെഹ്റു ആർട്സ് ആൻ്റ് സയൻസ് കോളേജ് മലയാള വിഭാഗങ്ങൾ തമ്മിൽ അക്കാദമിക രംഗത്തെ സഹകരണത്തിനും വിഭവ കൈമാറ്റത്തിനും വേണ്ടി ധാരണാപത്രം ഒപ്പുവെച്ചു. നെഹ്റു ആർട്സ് ആൻ്റ് സയൻസ് കോളേജ് പ്രിൻസിപ്പാൾ ഡോ കെ വി മുരളിയുടെ അദ്ധ്യക്ഷതയിൽ നടന്ന ചടങ്ങിൽ സർ സയ്യിദ് കോളേജ് മലയാള വിഭാഗം വകുപ്പദ്ധ്യക്ഷ ഡോ ഹസീന കെ പി എ നെഹ്റു ആർട്സ് ആൻ്റ് സയൻസ് കോളേജ് മലയാളം വകുപ്പദ്ധ്യ ഡോ ധന്യ കീപ്പേരിക്ക് ധാരണാപത്രം കൈമാറി. നവാസ് മന്നൻ , ഡോ ഷീജ കെ പി എന്നിവർ സംബന്ധിച്ചു .

Sir Syed college hosted a 10 day residential refresher course in Biology for the higher secondary school teachers of Kerala from 16 to 25 February 2024. The course was inaugurated by Dr. Ashraf TP, Syndicate member of Kannur University. The course offered various theoretical and practical sessions on different topics related to Biology and was coordinated by the PG and Research Department of Botany of Sir Syed College. The Programme was jointly organized by the Higher Education Department, General Education Department and Directorate of Higher Secondary Education.

മുന്നാട്: സർ സയ്യിദ് ഇത്തവണ വീണ്ടും എഴുതിയും പറഞ്ഞും പാടിയും സാഹിത്യോത്സവത്തിന്റെ തലതൊട്ടപ്പന്മാരായി... അതും 10 വർഷത്തെ ഇടവേളയ്ക്ക് ശേഷം. 2013-14 ലെ യൂണിയൻ കലോൽസവത്തിൽ സാഹിത്യോത്സവം ചാമ്പ്യൻമാർ സർ സയ്യിദ് കോളേജ് ആയിരുന്നു.പിന്നീട് ഉള്ള വർഷങ്ങളിൽ മികച്ച പ്രകടനം കാഴ്ച വച്ചെങ്കിലും രണ്ടോ മൂന്നോ സ്ഥാനം കൊണ്ട് തൃപ്തിയടയുകയായിരുന്നു. 84 പോയിന്റ് നേടിയാണ് തലശ്ശേരി ബ്രണ്ണൻ കോളേജുമായി ചാമ്പ്യൻഷിപ്പ് പങ്കിട്ടത്. സഹിത്യോത്സവത്തിന് പുറമേയും ഇത്തവണ മികച്ച നേട്ടമാണ് സർ സയ്യിദ് കൈവരിച്ചിട്ടുള്ളത്. വട്ടപ്പാട്ടിലും ദഫ്മുട്ടിലും ഒന്നാം സ്ഥാനവും കോൽക്കളിയിൽ രണ്ടാം സ്ഥാനവും നേടിയിട്ടുണ്ട്. ഓവറോൾ പോയിന്റ് നിലയിൽ 130 പോയിന്റുമായി സർ സയ്യിദ് മികച്ച സ്ഥാനം തന്നെ കരസ്ഥമാക്കിയിട്ടുണ്ട്.

Christy Jills and Muhammed Sabith, students of Sir Syed College, secured the second position in the intercollegiate quiz at the Kannur University Youth Festival.

DTPC കണ്ണൂരിന്റെ ആഭിമുഖ്യത്തിൽ നടത്തിയ 7 K M Midnight Run, മൂന്നാം വർഷ ഹിസ്റ്ററിയിലെ ഷജിൽ ഷെയ്ഖ് പൂർത്തിയാക്കി

Quizzes, Puzzles, Games, Brain Twisters and many more...... STAY TUNED!!!!!

Department of English, Sir Syed College is oragnising an interdepartmental debate competition on 07/02/2024.

Department of history conducted An invited talk on 06th February 2024, Tuesday from 10.30 AM to 12.30 PM at college Seminar Hall. Mr. Thwahir P H, Assistant Professor, Department of History delivered Welcome speech and Mr. Hydarali A, Head and Assistant Professor of History presided over the function. Mr. Hamsa C K, Principal in charge inaugurated the function. The Chief Guest of the Program Dr. Shefi AE, Assistant Professor, Department of History, Sree Shankaracharya Sanskrit University, Kalady delivered his talk on Nationalism and Pluralism: Challenges and Possibilities. He talked about various issues related to Indian Nationalism and pluralism. Students and teachers actively participated in Interactive session after his talk. He handed over a token of appreciation for the university Exam A grade Holders. Mr. Ranjith M V , Assistant Professor, Department of History delivered Vote of Thanks.

Department of Economics, Sir Syed College signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Department of Economics, Farook College, Kozhikode.

Department of Commerce, Sir Syed College is conducting a one day workshop on 'Stock Market Investment and Trading ' on 5th February 2024, Monday at College Seminar Hall.

Pg and Research Department of Commerce in association with Commerce Association is organising "FESTI VISTA", festival (cultural, arts, crafts, food stall) on 14th February 2024.

Language Club, Sir Syed College is organising an Essay Writing Competition on the Topic "Contemporary India, Prospects and Challenges" . Your essay should not exceed 1000 words. Submit your essays on or before 06 February 2024 before 3 pm to Jeseera. K, Assistant professor, Department of English Winners will be given attractive prizes. For Further Queries Contact: 7306131207

Department of Commerce bagged overall champion title in National level Management Fest conducted by Sir Syed Institute for Technical studies.

World Wetlands Day is celebrated every year on 2 February. This day marks the date of the adoption of the Convention on Wetlands on 2 February 1971, in the Iranian city of Ramsar on the shores of the Caspian Sea.

The Department of Commerce, SIr Syed College is organising an International Workshop for Begginers of Research on 01st and 02nd of February, 2024 at Colege Seminar hall. The workshop will be inaugurated by Prof. (Dr.) Joby K Jose, Registrar, Kannur University.

Arabic Association is organising an Interdepartmental Essay Writing Competition on 31/01/2024 at Room No: 106, Sir Syed College, Thaliparampa

Stay Tuned........ Comming Soon.......

The Department of Botany in association with Wildlife Trust of India, Kannur Kandal Project is starting a Centre for Mangrove Studies and a Satellite Nursery at Sir Syed College Thaliparampa on 7th February 2024. Dr. K. V. Sankaran, Former Director, KFRI will inaugurate the function afterwards there will be an invited lecture on the topic "Restoration of Mangrove Ecosystems" by Dr. P. Sujanapal, Principal Scientist, Silviculture Division, KFRI.

Sir syed college secured overall second runners up in Kannur University Intercollegiate Womens Judo Championship.

Javad and Irfan of the Department of Arabic bagged bronze medal in the Kannur University Intercollegiate Judo Championship.

Sir Syed College bagged Second Runner UP at Kannur University Intercollegiate Judo competition (Womens Category).

B S Nihala Parveen, BSc Physics bagged first prize in Speak India District Level competition.

Dr. Ismail Olaikkara inaugurated the interdepartmental football competition.

Arabic Association is conducting an interdepartmental literary competition from 30th January to 02nd February.

Arabic Association is conducting a Hand Writing Competition 30/01/2024 @Room No. 106 by 2:30 PM as part of the interdepartmental literary competition.

Interdepartmental football championship

ദേശഭക്തിഗാന ആലാപന മത്സരവും പ്രസംഗ മത്സരവും


ResearchReis is a series of workshop, seminars and conferences that are primarily aimed at enhancing the research skills and competencies of research scholars and research aspirants in commerce and management. The current program is an international workshop for beginners of research. This workshop will cover most fundamental aspects of research including research problem, review writing, paraphrasing, data abstraction, data analysis etc.

Intercollegiate badminton championship men’s . Sir Syed College Runner up

Intercollegiate badminton championship men’s . Sir Syed College Runner up

Department of Forestry in association with Forestry Club members participated in the Synchronised Bird Survey at Wayanad Wildlife Sanctuary on 26,27,and 28th of January 2024

Wayanad- Nilgiri, Cultural study tour

Dept.of English, Sir Syed College, Taliparamba organised Bridging Cultures: One Day Workshop on Translation. Dr. K.M Sherrif, Former HoD, University of Calicut led the workshop.

Add on Course

സർ സയ്യദ് കോളേജ് ബോട്ടണി വിഭാഗം, ഭൂമിത്ര സേന ക്ലബ്, WTI, NCC, NSS എന്നിവയുടെ ആഭിമുഖ്യത്തിൽ നാറാത്തു പഞ്ചായത്തിൽ കണ്ടൽ തൈകൾ വെച്ച് പിടിപ്പിച്ചു. നാറാത്തു ഗ്രാമപഞ്ചായത് പ്രസിഡന്റ് പരിപാടി ഉദ്ഘാടനം നിർവഹിച്ചു. കോർഡിനേറ്റർ ഡോ ശ്രീജ പി ആവശ്യമായ നിർദേശങ്ങൾ നൽകുകയും ചെയ്തു

Students exchange programme between Sir Syed College and NAM College Kallikkandy

Department of Forestry participated in Asian WaterBird Census. Every January, thousands of volunteers across Asia and Australasia visit wetlands in their country and count waterbirds. This citizen science programme is the Asian Waterbird Census (AWC). The AWC is an integral part of the global waterbird monitoring programme, the International Waterbird Census (IWC), coordinated by Wetlands International. It runs in parallel with other regional programmes of the International Waterbird Census in Africa, Europe, West Asia, the Neotropics and the Caribbean.

Chemistry Association of Sir Syed College 2023-24 was inaugurated by Dr. Sudheesh S , Professor and HOD Chemistry, Swami Anandhatheertha Campus, Kannur University on 30th October 2023 at Seminar Hall.

Department of Chemistry conducted a study trip to Delhi, Agra, Kullu , Manali and Punjab for the Sixth semester BSc Chemistry students (2020-2023 batch) as part of the Kannur University BSc Chemistry curriculam plan.

Chemistry Association of Sir Syed College 2022-23 was inaugurated by Dr. Vijesh A.M, Asst. Professor, PG Department of Chemistry, Payyanur College on 11th November 2022 at Seminar Hall.

Department conducted study tour for sixth semester BA History students as part of their syllabus from 3rd to 13th January 2024. 35 Students (26 Girls and 9 Boys) along with three escorting Teachers, such as Mr. Hydarali, Mr. Thwahir PH and Mrs. Sabitha Sankunni were participated. Students visited important historical monuments and buildings including, India Gate, Raj Ghat, Tajmahal, Red Fort, Vasisht Temple, Hadimba Temple, Rohtang Pass….etc. the tour aimed to make an awareness among the students about the importance and protection of historical monuments of the country. In order to aware them the importance of studying at the central University, Students also visited Jawaharlal Nehru University of Delhi on 5th January 2023 as part of the trip.

Free crash course for CSIR-UGC NET/JRF in Life science was organized in association with the Directorate of Minority Welfare.

Students of BSc and MSc Botany visited Goa University as part of their Study tour.

Inauguration of the Add on course introduced by PG Department of Arabic was done by Dr. Abdul Gafoor CV (HoD, Department of Arabic, NAM College, Kallikkandi) on 18th February 2022 at College Seminar Hall. Dr. Ismail Olayikkara (Principal, Sir Syed College) presided over the function. Dr. Shanavas SM (NAAC Coordinator, Sir Syed College) and Faculty members of the department felicitated the program.

PG Department of Arabic conducted arts meet titled “AL-FUNOON” on 17th March 2022 at Seminar Hall. The program was inaugurated by Dr. Ismail Olayikkara (Principal, Sir Syed College). As part of the program various literary competitions such as speech, singing, recitation, versification, essay writing, word game and skit were conducted. Faculty members of the department felicitated the function.

Arabic Association was inaugurated by Prof. KP Muhammed Saleem (Member, Academic Council, Kannur University) on 17/02/2022 at college Auditorium. The program was presided over by Dr. Ismail Olayikkara (Principal,Sir Syed College).The Chief guest delivered a speech on the topic “Arabic as a business language”. Mr.Muhthasim K V (Chairman,College Union) and the faculty members of the department felicitated the function. Shabeerali KK (HoD,PG Dept. of Arabic) delivered welcome speech and Mr. Fasalu rahman (Secretary,Arabic Association) presented vote of thanks. The program was followed with a music concert by Thashq.

PG Dept. of Arabic conducted an Award Meet program on 28/02/2022 at college seminar hall. Dr.Khaleel Chovva (Former Principal, Sir Syed College) inaugurated the function. Dr. Ismail Olayikkara (Principal, Sir Syed College) presided over the function. Dr.Siraj PP (Secretary, PTA), Shanavas SM (Coordinator, NAAC, Sir Syed College) and the faculty members of the department felicitated the function. students who achieved remarkable places in various fields were recognized with prizes.

PG Department of Arabic organized a campus talk on 16/02/2022 at college campus. The program was inaugurated by Prof. TV Purushothaman (HoD, Department of Malayalam). Teachers and students from the various departments attended the program. The yesterdays of this campus were discussed in detail through this program. Teachers shared their nostalgic memories about the campus and it lighted up a clear picture of this campus in the minds of students.

PG Department of Arabic organized “MUSAMARA: One Day Residential Camp” on 31st March 2022 at Sir Syed College. Whole faculty members and students of tbeDepartment gathered in the camp. As part of this residential camp various programs such as Edu talk, Stride Ahead, Mushaa’ra, Thajriba and Thansheeth were conducted. Dr. Ismail Olayikkara (Principal, Sir Syed College) spoke on importance of social services among the students.

Padi Vara – Live Drawing Competition conducted by PG Department of Arabic, Sir Syed College on 15th February 2022 at college campus. Students from the various departments participated the program very actively. Akshaya of second year B.Sc Chemistry has won the first prize. Dr. Ismail Olayikkara (Principal, Sir Syed College) handed over the memento to the winner.

A one-day study tour was conducted by the PG Department of Arabic to Vagamon, Idukki on 14/01/2022. 45 students were there in the study tour. Five faculty members escorted the students.

As part of the World Poetry Day Celebration PG Department of Arabic conducted a program titled “AL-MUZAHHABAATH” on 21st March 2022 near Arabic Department. The students from various department were participated in this program and recited poems representing deferent languages. Dr. Ismail Olayikkara (Principl, Sir Syed College) inaugurated the function.

Kannur university women’s cricket championship 2023 held at Sir Syed College. Winner Sir Syed College.

Kannur university women’s cricket championship 2023 held at Sir Syed College. Winner Sir Syed College.

Kannur university women’s cricket championship 2023 held at Sir Syed College. Winner Sir Syed College.

Seminar on “Gender: Perspectives and Challenges

ENGLISH MONTH (February 13 – March 13, 2023) The English Month, a vibrant and enriching one-month program, unfolded with a kaleidoscope of literary and creative activities that celebrated the beauty and diversity of the English language. Engaging events such as poem recitations, coffee table discussions, an elocution competition, caricature drawing sessions, language games and an interdepartmental debate competition marked the calendar, leaving an indelible mark on the participants.

.ARCADIA’ 22- English Association Inauguration on15 February 2022 Chief Guest: RJ Anuroop (Club FM Artist & Actor) 2020-21

The Department of history conducted Sir Syed Ahmad Khan Memorial Lecture 2023 on 29th November 2023, Wednesday at College Auditorium. The famous Indian writer, Orator and Professor of Malayalam at SSUS Kalady, Prof. Dr. Sunil P Elayidom was the chief guest of the program and he delivered his talk on ഇന്ത്യ: ബഹുസ്വരതയും സാമൂഹികതയും. He talked about the pluralism and sociality of India. “while fascism was trying to transform India into a unified-nation state, the reality that India’s social and cultural life was built on sharing and mixing should be recognize”- he stated.

A one workshop was organized by the Department of Botany, Sir Syed College on Orchid cultivation practices. Sri. Rajan K, Rtd. HM of Chooliyad ALP School and the President of Flowers Club, Kannur was the resource person.

Sir Syed College First women team of Kho - Kho

History Association of Sir Syed College 2023-24 was inaugurated by Mr. Aneesh K, Assistant Professor, Department of History, KKTM Government College, Pullut, Kodungallur on 3rd November 2023, Friday at College Auditorium.

Association Inauguration: Journalism Association was inaugurated by R J Ramesh ( Radio Jockey,Radio Mango) at AC Seminar hall. It was followed by an interactive session with the chief guest.

Department of History Conducted an invited talk on “Palestine-Israel Issue: Past And Present” 18th October 2023, Wednesday from 10.30 AM to 12.30 PM at college Seminar Hall.The Chief Guest of the Program Dr. P J Vincent, Professor, Department of History, Government Arts College, Kozhikode delivered his talk on the given topic. He talked about the history, current situation and future of Palestine and Israel Issue. Students and teachers actively participated in Interactive session after his talk.

Students of MSc Botany, Sir Syed College visited the Herbarium and Botanical garden of University of Calicut.

COCOON- Orientation program

Intercollegiate football men’s runners up

Invited Talk- Health Communication

Students of the PG Dept. of Arabic organised a program in connection with Teachers Day Celebration on 06.09.2021, 8.30 am using Google Meet platform. The program was inaugurated by Dr.Ismail Olayikkara (Principal, Sir Syed College). Shabeerali KK (HoD, PG Dept. of Arabic) presided over the function. As part of the program the students honoured Prof. KM Abdul Bari (Former HoD, Dept. of Arabic, Sir Syed College), Prof. EP Hashim (Former HoD, Dept. of Arabic, Sir Syed College) and Prof. K Usman Ali (Former Asst. Professor, Dept. of Arabic, Sir Syed College).

Students of the Department of Forestry had an exercise on the preparation of the Working plan under the guidance of the Kannur working plan officer Hon. Ajith K Raman, Divisional Forest Officer.

As part of the anti-ragging campaign, third semester BSc Physics students posted the notices issued by the college disciplinary committee on the notice board of the physics department on 16/08/2023. The head of the department was present on the occasion.

A field visit to Madayippara of Kannur District was conducted for the final year MSc Botany students of Sir Syed College.

A commemoration Day of Dr. Abdul Jaleel V was organized by the Department of Botany, Sir Syed College. Dr. AK Pradeep, Assistant Professor of Botany, University of Calicut delivered the Memorial Lecture on the topic 'Floristic Diversity of India'.

World mangrove day was celebrated by the Department of Botany, Sir Syed college in association with Wildlife Trust of India. The theme was Raising awareness about mangroves and their importance as self-sustaining ecosystems in Kannur through restoration.

Yoga day celebration at Sir Syed College Indoor Stadium

One day online-drama workshop for BMMC students

Department of history conducted Excellence meet’23, merit award distribution to University Rank holders and class toppers 2023 on 26th June 2023, Monday from 11.30 AM to 1.00 PM at college seminar Hall.

A felicitation meeting was organized to honor the Kannur University Second Rank holder in BSc Botany (2020-23) Ms. Rishada. Awards were also given to the A+ and A grade holders.

Department of Forestry, Sir Syed College, Taliparamba organized an interdepartmental quiz competition in association with the International Day of Forests and World Water day Celebrations. Department of Physics represented by Mr. Christy Jils and Mr. Midhun VP bagged the first prize and a cash prize, and department of Forestry represented by Mr. Abhishek PV and Mr. Parvan Das secured the Second prize.

Department of Forestry, Sir Syed College, Taliparamba celebrated the world sparrow day. It is designated to raise awareness about sparrow conservation and protection, as their numbers are declining globally. The first commemoration of the day occurred in 2010. As part of the celebration, the faculty of the department, along with the students, placed water pots for the birds. This act of kindness was especially important as the summer months can be intense, and birds may have difficulty finding water. By providing water pots, the department and its students demonstrated their commitment to preserving the natural environment and protecting the wildlife that calls it home.

A synchronised vulture survey that concluded in the Wayanad landscape, including in the Wayanad Wildlife Sanctuary, South and North Wayanad forest divisions, recently recorded 121 sightings of three species of vultures. As many as 65 participants representing various research institutes, including the Kerala Forest Research Institute, University of Calicut, Kerala Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Sir Syed College, Taliparamba, and Malabar Christian College, Kozhikode participated in the survey. P. Muhammed Shabab, Chief Conservator of Forest, Palakkad, inaugurated the programme and Mr. Kumar presided.

The fourth semester students of this department got an opportunity to interact with the forest officials of Vazhachal Forest division. Mr. Noushad, Beat Forest Officer took session on how forest administrations were carried out. He also explained about different tribal settlements inside the forest area and their rituals.

The Second year BSc Students of this department carried out a sandal regeneration survey inside the natural Sandal areas of Vellikulangara Range of Chalakkudy Division on 17/02/2023. The Survey was conducted in a sampling plot basis. The natural sandal areas of the Range were divided into eight samples plots and teams of students surveyed along each sample plots. Each teams were accompanied by forest officials. The report of the sandal regeneration survey was given to the Range Forest Officer which can be utilized for further administrative purposes.

Fourth semester BSc Forestry students have got an opportunity to experience the forest and to understand different administrative activities conducted inside a protected area. The students along with their teachers had a forest trekking at Charpa Range of Vazhachal Forest Division on 18/02/2023. They were accompanied by the forest officials. They explained about different field activities conducted inside a forest range. Along the way the students were very curious to collect information about the trees and wild fauna they encountered.

The Chemistry Department organized an enlightening Alumni Lecture Series featuring Muhammed Shafeek O.H, a distinguished Researcher/Scientist III from the University of Arizona, USA.

Department of Botany organized a Mangrove Plantation Campaign at V-pra Kayal in association with Wild Life Trust of India and Rotary Club of Pazhayangadi.

Awareness Programme on “Career Based Government Competitive Exams”

As a part of Study tour Students of BSc Botany (2020-23) Visited Aligarh Muslim University, New Delhi.

Students and Teachers from Department of History visited JNU as part of Institutional Visit Program. students made an interaction with the students and teachers of center for Historical Studies, JNU.

Forestry club, Sir Syed College, conducted the Asian Waterbird Census jointly initiated by the Bombay Natural History Society and Wetlands International. This This citizen science programme  is an integral part of the global waterbird monitoring programme. The students of Forestry club surveyed the Kattampally and Ezhome wetland areas together with the bird watchers of Kannur Birders on 14th, 15th of January, 2023

Department of History conducted a Study trip to Historical important sites of Northern India, Delhi, Agra, Kullu and Manali for the sixth semester students as part of Kannur University BA History Curriculum plan. Students along with Department faculties opf Hydarali A , Thwahir PH and Ajeeba, Faculty from Department of English visited various historical sites including, Tajmahal, Redfort, Agra fort, Qutub Minar, Lotus Temple, Delhi Juma Masjid, Solang Valley…etc. it was a 10 days tour from 13th January 2023 to 22nd January 2023. Students and teachers also visited JNU Delhi and made an interaction with the students and faculties of Center for Historical Studies

Book written by Botany Alumnus Late Dr. Kamarudheenkunju was donted to the department by Ms Nisreen M, our former Faculty.

HSST training Programme (10 days) was organized by the Department of Botany in association with Directorate of General Education.

Department of Forestry organised a session on career orientation and Higher educational opportunities in Forestry abroad for the final year students. Mr Yadu Krishna, an aluminous handled the session.

Sir Syed College conducted Kannur University football championship

Final year students of the department participated in the Bird survey conducted in Attapadi Foresr Range by Kerala Forest Department and Kerala Bird Monitoring Network. This was a citizen science initiative. About 238 species of birds were recorded during the survey.

Department of Forestry, Sir Syed College Thaliparampa conducted a nature walk at ' Pathrandam Chal' Bird Area in connection with the world wildlife conservation day celebration. Faculties of Forestry recorded and documented the Biodiversity of an unexplored birding hotspot. Ms. Sneha, Hod, leaded the

An awareness program entitled "Lessons on Mangrove Conservation" was conducted on 2nd December 2022, by Department of Botany in assocoation with Nature Club and Microvision at Sir Syed Institute for Technical Studies.

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Face Painting Competition

FIFA World Cup 2022 Predictions

A one day study tour was conducted for the III Sem PG students of Botany at University of Calicut, Malappuram, Kerala on 22nd November 2022.

World Television Day is celebrated on 21 November, 2022

The Corridor - Media Club Inauguration

Forestry Club, Sir SYed College, Taliparamba organized a bird race in connection with the commemoration of Dr. Salim Ali, ‘Bird Man of India’. As part of the program students of the department conducted short bird watching expeditions in and around their backyards. Prizes were given to the students with more number of checklists

The Forestry Association 2022-23 was inaugurated by Mr. Ashraf K, ACF, Kannur. The function was presided by Dr, Ismail Olayikkara, Principal Sir Syed College. Ms. sneha C, Ms. Haritha. M and Mr. Azharali A, department faculties, felicitated the function. A tree was planted in the Sir Syed Botanical garden as part of the inaugural ceremony. Kumari Aysha Suman, Secretary Forestry Association given the Vote of Thanks. The function was concluded by 12.30 PM with the cultural activities of students. 

Mr. Abid Kannur, Renewed and popular mappilapattu singer and noted Alumni of Dept.Economics Sir Syed College inaugurated Economics Association 2022-23 on 11/11/2022 at College Auditorium.

Department of Forestry, Sir Syed College conducted a field visit for the first year under graduates. Thirty four students accompanied by the faculties visit the Ranipujram Hills in the Kasaragod district. The primary aim of the visit was to make the students acquainted with the identification and taxonomy of different flora and fauna found inside forest areas. Ms. Sneha, HoD, explained the identification characters of different forest trees.

History Association of Sir Syed College was inaugurated by Dr. Malavika Binny, Assistant Professor, Department of History, Kannur University on 10th November 2022, Thursday at College Seminar Hall


.FOCUS- Orientation Programme for First Year Students 04 November 2022 Chief Guest: Samson Rajan (Ass. Professor, SES College)

Alakode Talks

The Department of Botany, Sir Syed College and Department of Botany, Kannur University jointly organized a two day International Conference on "PLANT FUNCTIONAL BIOLOGY" at Cherussery Auditorium, Kannur University, Thavakkara. The Conference was financially assisted with KSHEC under ERUDITE- Scholar in Residence scheme and the IQAC of Sir Syed College and Kannur University. The Conference was inaugurated by Honourable Vice Chancellor of Kannur University, Prof. Gopinath Ravindran. ERUDITE lecture was delivered by Prof. Om Parkash Dhankher., College of Natural Sciences, Stockbridge School of Agriculture, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, USA.

Faculty members of Forestry Department, Sir Syed College took expert lectures in the orientation program FOCUS 2022 for the first semester students of MSc Wood Science and Technology at Kannur University Campus, Mangattuparampa.

Alumni batch of 2014-2016 visited and contributed different types of garden plants (indoor and outdoor) to the Department of Botany, Sir Syed College on 20th October 2022.

Department of Forestry conducted Anti Drug Awarenes class to the newly admitted students as part of the anti drug awareness campaign initiated by Govt. of Kerala. Mr. Azhar Ali, faculty of Forestry gave awareness among the students about the ill effects of drug abuse. He also explained about the social and mental trauma experienced by drug abusers.

A field trip was conducted for final year PG Students (2021-2023) at Madayippara, Kannur District on 16th October 2022.

In order to make students acquaint with the common butterflies, a Butterfly Walk was organized at Muyyam River basin. The specially curated event included river trail trek, bird watching, butterfly watching, searching for butterfly caterpillars, learning lifecycles of butterflies etc. Ms. Sneha C, HoD, Department of Forestry, Sir Syed College, Taliparamba explained about the identification characters of common butterflies. All the participants were provided with certificates.

Forestry club in association with World Wildlife Fund India, conducted a bio monitoring at Kattampally - Muderikkadavu wetland on 15th October, 2022. Forestry club members and faculty of Forestry, Sir Syed College were participated. 11 Species of odonates were recorded.

As part of the wildlife week celebration Department of Forestry, organized Bird Walk- a bird watching program at Chinnar Wildlife sanctuary 08th October 2022.  Ms. Sneha C, Head of the department, gave a lecture on identification of common birds. Students along with the faculty explored the bird diversity of Chinnar Wildlife Sanctuary.

Department of history in association with IQAC and IDis -22 conducted a talk as part of azadi ka Amrit mahotsab, India @75, celebration of India's 75th independence day on 19th September 2022, Monday from 10.30 AM to 12.30 PM at college Auditorium.The Chief Guest of the Program Dr. Arun Kumar, Senior Journalist and Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, Kerala University delivered his talk on Indian Democracy: A constitutional Reading. He talked about various issues related to Democracy, Indian Constitution and neo fascism.

On International Tiger Day an online lecture was held on various topics such as tiger conservation strategies, challenges and present scenario in India. Mr Jishnu M, Wildlife Geneticist and Wildlife Biologist, Wayanad Wildlife Sanctuary, Kerala handled the session. Forestry and Nature Club members were actively participated in the discussion.

A one day trip was conducted for the Final year B. Sc Botany students at Pythalmala, Kannur District on 26th August 2022.

World Photography Day

Department of Botany, Sir Syed College in association With Rotary Club, Payangadi, Scouts and Guides, Moothedath High School and NCC Unit Co-operative Arts and Science College, Madayi on 13th August 2022.

Commemorative Speech of Late. Dr. Abdul Jaleel V, Former HOD of Botany, Sir Syed College was done by Dr. KP Prasanth, HOD of Botany, SN College Kannur on 10th August 2022.

Solamante Theneechakalodappam

Department of Forestry in association with Kerala Forest and Wildlife Department and Social Forestry Division, Kannur observed World Mangrove Day on July 26 at Chaal Beech by planting Mangrove Seedlings. Sri. G Pradeep, Assistant Conservator of Forest inaugurated the function.

Observed Vanamahotsava week celebrations on the first week of July, 2018. Club members took classes about “Nature conservation” and conduct quiz competitions in nearby schools

History Association conducted Exodus 2022, a residential camp for history students on 1st and 2nd April 2022. The session aimed to provide career orientation, motivation and personality development for the students

History club of Sir Syed College conducted an inter-departmental quiz competition on Indian history on Wednesday, 30th march 2022. A total of 12 teams of two members participated in the competition. Christy Jills and Midhun from second semester Bsc Physics were the winnners. Team History of Muhammed Savad and Muhammed Rashid from sixth sem History secured second position

Department of History conducted an Invited talk on Research methodology titled as “Doing history: Tools and Techniques” on Wednesday, 23rd March 2022 at 1.30 PM onwards. The program aimed to provide guidance on historical research for students, especially for final semester students for their degree project on local history. Dr. Muhammed Sirajudheen K, Assistant professor of history, Government Brennen College, Thalassery was the resource person.

As part of World Frog Day 2022, an expert lecture on ‘Ambhibians of Kerala’ was organised for the Forestry club and Nature club members of Sir Syed College. Sri Sandeep Das, renowned Naturalist cum EDGE fellow took the session. Mrs. Sneha, C HoD, and Mrs. Haritha, M Faculty (Forestry) felicitated the function. Students and nature enthusiast from various universities attended the programme.

As part of World Sparrow Day, Forestry club and Nature club members had conducted a house sparrow census at Taliparamba Municipality. Hotspots were identified and provisions ere given for nesting for sparrows. Bird baths were established in many places in the municipality. Sparrow Campaign was inaugurated by Municipal Chairperson Mrs. Murshida Kongayi.

An awareness class on Mangrove conservation was organised for the Forestry club and Nature club members of Sir Syed College in association with Social Forestry Division, Kerala Forest and Wildlife Department at Kannur Kandal Project Head Quarters, Edat. Sri. Ramith, Field Officer, Wildlife Trust of India detailed the importance of Mangroves and the need of its conservation to students. After the class there was a field visit to nearby Mangrove area in which the students could feel and realise the peculiar features of mangroves and the biodiversity associated with mangrove ecosystem. Sri. Pradeep, AK Assistant Conservator of Forest, Kerala Forest and Wildlife Department, Smt Sneha, C, HoD, Department of Forestry, Sir Syed College etc were present in the gathering.

The Chemistry Association organized a vibrant two-day residential camp on March 19 and 20, 2022, catering to both undergraduate (UG) and postgraduate (PG) students. The event featured a diverse range of activities, including an iftar gathering, engaging games, thrilling adventure experiences, and enjoyable musical performances. The camp not only provided an opportunity for academic interaction but also fostered a sense of camaraderie and fun among the participants, creating a memorable and enriching experience for all involved.

A one day Nature Camp was conducted at Kannavam Forest, Kannur District by the Department of Botany and Bhoomitrasena Club of Sir Syed College on 18th March 2022.

History Club of Sir Syed College Conducted a one-day Historical site visit at Wayanad on Thursday, 10th March 2022. 48 students from first, second, and third year BA History and Mr. Hydrali and Mr. Thwahir, PH have participated. Students visited Edakkal Cave, Banasura Sagar Dam and Karapuzha dam.

The physics department of Sir Syed College organized an exhibition titled "Estrella' 22" on 10th, 11th & 12th March 2022.

Department of History conducted students felicitation programme for Fourth Semester students who scored A+ and A grades in first semester examination on 23rd February 2022. The main motive of organizing student felicitation program is the concept of pulsating and appreciating the imaginative instincts and acts of brilliant and talented students of history Departments.

Department of History and History Association jointly conducted an Excellence meet to honor academic, Sports and Arts achievers of the department students.

National Urdu Day Celebration -2022 Inaugurated by Sadiq Zaki, Famouse singer & Dancer

Department of History Conducted inauguration of History Association and History Club on Tuesday, 15th February 2022 at College Seminar Hall. It was Inaugurated by famous Television Journalist Mr. Nishad Rawther, Media One TV

Dept. Economics ,Sir Syed College organized a campaign for Kerala one time PSC Registration for the students in Economics Departmenon 25 to 20th October 2022t

Sir Syed College in association with Energy Management Centre and Centre for Environment Management organized a seminar on the focal theme 'Go Electric' on 24th December 2021. Mrs. PrasannaTP, Development Standing Commitee Chairperson, Taliparamba Municipality inuagurated the function. Dr. Ismail Olayikkara, Principal of Sir Syed College, presided over the function. Dr. TP Nafeesa Baby, was the resource person.

Sir Syed college Taliparamba conducted sir Syed Ahmed Khan memorial lecture organised by department of history on 3rd November 2021, Wednesday. The program inaugurated by former education minister of Kerala, Janab. P.K Abdu Rabb. Dr. Khader Mangad, former vice chancellor of Kannur University and academician was the chief guest, who made sir Syed Ahmad Khan memorial lecture. The program scheduled at 10:30 a.m. at college Auditorium and participated by teachers, non teaching staffs, and students community of sir Syed College.

Token of Appreciation to students from History dept, who are admitted to different universities for Post Graduation in History-

Dr. V Abdul Jaleel and Dr. K Raveendran Memorial Three Day National Webinar on TRENDS IN PLANT SCIENCES was organized by the Department of Botany, Sir Syed College on August 10-12, 2021.

Sri. Cheruvayal Raman (Guardian of Native Paddy) delivered a lecture on the Topic ‘Conservation of Nature through Botanical Garden’ on 28th July 2021 in connection with the World Nature Conservation day celebration.

Department of history conducted a study tour to Cochin on 10th April 2021 for sixth semester BA History students. . 30 students participated in the program. The visit aimed to create awareness among the students about the historicity of Cochin. Students visited Jewish Synagoogue, Fort Cochin, Dutch Palace, Mattanchery and LuLu Mall.

A Felicitation meeting was organized to the University toppers and CSIR-UGC NET/JRF holders (2020-2021) of Botany Department on 12th March 2021.

Inaugurated by Dr.Nusrath Fathima ,Head of the Department of Urdu.Govt.Arts College,Kota,Rajasthan

An Orientation program was organized by the Department of Botany, Sir Syed College for the newly joined I Sem B. Sc Botany Students (2020-2023) on 20th January 2021.

Inaugurated by Dr.Mohd.Shahid,Aligarh Muslim University,U.P

Tribute to Dr. Abdul Jaleel V and release of book 'Jaleelianus' by Prof. (Dr.) MK Janarthanam, Dean, Faculty of Science, Central University, Goa was organized by the Department of Botany, Sir Syed College on 10th August 2020.

Department of Botany in association with KSHEC, IDIS and IQAC of Sir Syed College organized a three day webinar during 5-7th June 2020. Prof. Govindjee Govindjee, Professor Emeritus of Biophysics, Biochemistry and Plant Biology, University of Illinois, US was the ERUDITE Scholar.

Department of History in Association with IQAC Conducted INTERNATIONAL WEBINAR SERIES – DOCTRINA – 15 on 3RD JUNE 2020, Wednesday 2.30 PM to 4.00 PM through Zoom Meet on the topic ‘Multi Culturalism and interfaith Literacy: challenging the idea of clash of civilizations’. DR. Abdul Latef Chalikandi,. Writer and cultural advisor, Tawasul center for publishing, Research and dialogue, Rome and Dr. Sabrina Lei, Director, Tawasul center for publishing, Research and dialogue, Rome were the resource person of the program.

Department conducted annual study trip to Kodaikanal, Ramakkalmedu and Wagamon.

Department of history conducted an institutional visit and study tour to Pondicherry Central University and Chennai from 16 to 19 February 2020. 30 students from second year BA History participated in the program. The visit aimed to create awareness among the students about the importance of Central universities for higher education and to understand the historicity of Madras and Mahabalipuram.

Urdu Technical session Inaugurated by Nadeem Alam Hudawi Sagarmathak, Nepal

Dr. Kunhikannan, Director, IFGTB, Coimbatore interacted with the students on 07th February 2020 as a part of Walk With a Scholar program.

Dr. K. Raveendran Memmorial Lecture & Endowment Award Distribution was organized by the Dept. of Botany on 07th February 2020.

The Chemistry Association organized a vibrant two-day residential camp on January 24 and 25, 2020, catering to both undergraduate (UG) and postgraduate (PG) students.

Department of Botany, Sir Syed College organized a two day national seminar on Challenges of Sustainable Agriculture in India Sponsored by Directorate of Environment and Climate Change, Govt. of Kerala during 22-23 January 2020.

Two day national seminar conducted by Department of Mathematics

A Felicitation meeting was organized by the Department of Botany to the winners and participants of various items in the Kannur University Kalotsavam 2020. 1. Athira T.C. (M. Sc Botany)- Nadan pattu group: Second position 2. Anfas V.P. (B. Sc Botany)- Duff muttu: Second position 3. Jinu Kunjumon P. (B. Sc Botany)- Natoti Nritham group: Second position 4. Rangeeth M. (M. Sc Botany)- Natoti Nritham group: Second position 5. Nayana Lakshmanan (B. Sc Botany)- Oppana: First position 6. Aiswarya P.V. (B. Sc Botany)- Oppana: First position 7. Muhthasim KV (B. Sc Botany)- Duff muttu: Second position

Department of history conducted a historical site visit to Bekal fort Kasaragod on 14th January 2020. The 50 students from first, second and final year BA History participated in the program. The visit aimed to create awareness among the students about the local history of North Malabar and the need of protection of historical monuments in north Malabar

Sir Syed College jointly organized by the Samagra Shiksha Kerala and the Department of Higher Secondary Education during 11-13th January 2020.


History Association 2020 of Sir Syed College was inaugurated by Dr. Radhamani C P (Asst.Professor and Head of History, PRNSS College, Mattannur on 6th January 2020, at College Seminar Hall

Endowment Award Distribution to the Botany toppers-Prof. Abidal Beevi and Nisreen M

Dr. Reshma P.T, Trainer, Motivational speaker inaugurated the 2019-20 activities of Botany Association.

Department of History, Sir Syed College has hosted 7th ANNUAL INTERNATIONAL KERALA HISTORY CONFERENCE from 15th to 17th Nov 2019 in Association with IDis-19 and SahithyaPravarthaka C.S Ltd Kottayam at College Auditorium. Prof. MGS Narayanan, President of KHC delivered his introductory remarks and was inaugurated by Prof. Ravi A Palat, Binghamton University, New york and talked on the topic “History and Spatial reconsignation: some preliminary considerations.

Shafeeque S (I sem Botany) won first place In the Kannur University Inter Collegiate (Inter-zone) Championship for Swimming (Men) 4 x 100 Mts Freestyle Relay for the academic year 2019-2020.

Athul Fawaz, II DC Botany (Right) won the Kannur University Tennis Tournament for Boys.

Organized jointly by Sir Syed College in association with SIET, Kerala

Department of history of Sir Syed College conducted Sir Syed Day 2019, A Bicentenary tribute to Sir Syed Ahmad Khan on 5th November 2019 at College Seminar Hall from 10.00 am onwards. It was inaugurated by Sr. T K Ratnakumar, Deputy Superintendent of Police, Taliparamba. Prof Dr. A Nujum, Professor of Modern Indian Language at AMU delivered his talk on Nationalism, Education and Culture, A Historical Perspective.

10 days refresher programme for Higher Secondary School Teachers at Sir Syed College sponsored by Higher Education Department, Kerala.

Nadeel Utsavam" jointly organized by Mathrubhumi, SEED Club and Bhumitrasena Club of Sir Syed College.

Kaipad Rice cultivation by students in association with Mathrubhumi Seed under Bhoomitrasena Club.

preparation of Campus Biodiversity Register of Sir Syed College. Forestry Club secretary, Mr. Mohammed Aslam took an orientation class regarding the methodology and identification for biodiversity

World Environment Day celebration was organized by the Department of Botany, sir Syed College sponsored by KSCSTE, Trivandrum.

Members participated in Nilgiri Tahr count from May 9-16, 2019

Workshop on Plant Taxonomy and Horticultural Practices for biology lab attenders of varoius schools in the Kannur District, Kerala were organized during 18-19 January 2019.

Members participated in Aralam butterfly survey from January 4-6, 2019

Urja Kiran jointly organized by CED, Trivandrum and Sir Syed College. (14/12/2018)

Members participated in Nilambur butterfly survey on December 7-9, 2018

History Department of Sir Syed College conducted Sir Syed Day 2018, A Bicentenary tribute to Sir Syed Ahmad Khan on 12th November 2018 at College Seminar Hall from 10.00 am onwards. It was inaugurated by Prof. Dr. T P Raveendran, Pro – Vice Chancellor, Kannur University. Dr. K M Naseer, Principal, Farook College, Kozhikode delivered his talk on Nationalism, Education and Culture: A historical Perspective.

Celebrated Wildlife week on the first week of October, 2018. Club members organized interdepartmental poster making and extempore competitions related to the topic “Wildlife” and conducted quiz programmes in nearby schools.

Association inauguration and One day seminar entitled “Non Euclidian Geometry”

Celebrated World Snake day in association with Parassinikadavu Snake Park, Kannur on July 16, 2018. Dr Muraleedharan A.K, Principal of Parassinikadavu Ayurvedha Medical College took a lecture on Snake bite- Diagnosis and management.

SEED Certificate of commendation was received by Manager of Sir Syed College Adv. P Mahamood.

Conducted Two day Nature camp at Parambikulam National Park on March 18-19, 2018

Conducted Two day Nature camp at Thattekkad Bird sanctuary from 13-15, February, 2018

Department of history Sir Syed college conducted two day National seminar on ‘Kannur Muslims: Reflection on past and present’ as part of golden jubilee celebration of Sir Syed college (2017-18) on 13th and 14th January 2018 at college seminar hall. The program aimed to highlight the role of Muslims of Kannur in the Socio, economic, political and cultural history of Malabar. The program was conducted in association with Abu Dhabi Muslim cultural center.

Association inauguration and One day seminar entitled “Fourier Analysis''

One Day National workshop in Urdu Inaugurated by Dr.Ameenulla ,SV University, Tirupati, Andra Pradesh

Department of History of Sir Syed College conducted Sir Syed Day 2017, A Bicentenary tribute to Sir Syed Ahmad Khan on 20th October 2017 at College Seminar Hall from 10.00 am inwards. It was inaugurated by Sr. P A FazalGafoor, President MES, an Eminent Scholar, Academecian and popular figure among social activist in Kerala. He delivered his talk on Encountering Modernity: Muslims and educational empowerment in Independent India.