Sir Syed College
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Hostel for Men

Hostel for Men

There are two hostels maintained by the College.

  • the Malik Deenar Hostel for Men and
  • the Ladies Hostel. Students of the College should reside either in the College Hostel or with their parents.
  • Admission to hostels is for one year only.
  • Principal is the chief warden, he is the final authority to grant admission/ readmission. Residents of the hostels shall strictly adhere to the directions/ rules framed by the College authorities. Violation of such rules will entail his/ her expulsion from the hostel /dismissal from the College.

Hostel Rules

  • Hostel is a “home away from home” and therefore, hostellers should maintain a cordial and healthy relationship with all the inmates.
  • Students should abide by the decisions of the hostel warden and co-operate with enforcement of the hostel rules failing which strict disciplinary action will be taken.
  • Students should follow the general timetable fixed for the Hostel.
  • Students must keep their rooms neat and clean. They should keep their belongings in proper order.
  • Students should sleep only in their own allotted rooms.
  • Students are accountable for their belongings. The hostel authorities will not be responsible for any loss of cash or other valuables from the room.
  • Students should keep their rooms locked when they leave the hostel.
  • Conserve water and electricity. Use them as per requirement only.
  • Allotment of rooms is at the discretion of the Warden. Students should refrain from defacing walls and furniture with drawings and writings.
  • The hostel warden has the right to check the room at any time for maintaining order in the hostel.
  • Students cannot bring outsiders into the hostel. Guests may be allowed on prior written permission from the warden.
  • Consumption of alcohol, smoking and use of drugs and other intoxicants in the hostel and its premises are strictly prohibited. Anyone found violating the rules will be subjected to serious disciplinary action.
  • Hostelers desiring to go out of the campus shall obtain permission from the warden before going out and register their whereabouts in the movement register.
  • Going out of the hostel anywhere other than to college needs the prior permission of the warden.
  • No student is allowed to stay in the hostel during the working hours/ class time except with the prior permission of the warden.
  • Misusing the Internet/mobile phone facilities will be dealt with seriously.
  • Any kind of ragging, intimidation or aggressive behavior from students’ part is forbidden
  • Admission to the hostel is on an annual basis and may not be renewed for lack of compliance with the hostel discipline. Serious breach of hostel discipline will invite dismissal from college also. Financial commitments of the hostel shall be met on time and failure to do so will invite dismissal.

* Violation of the above rules will lead to expulsion from the hostel.

Prof.(Dr) Ismail Olayikkara

Chief Warden

Azhar Ali A


Hostel Gallery