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IIRS Outreach Programme @Sir Syed

IIRS Outreach Programme @Sir Syed

Department of Forestry, Sir Syed College, Nodal Centre for IIRS Outreach Program is organising a 13-week online course on “Basics of Remote Sensing, Geographical Information System, and Global Navigation Satellite System" from 27th August to 22nd November 2024. The course is free of cost and has a completion certificate from the Indian Institute of Remote Sensing, ISRO, Govt. of India. For more details and Registration, Contact: Azhar ALi A, Coordinator, IIRS Distance Learning Programme, 8943189531.

National Moth Week: Successful Mothing Event at Paithalmala Hill Station

National Moth Week: Successful Mothing Event at Paithalmala Hill Station

As part of National Moth Week, the Department of Forestry, in association with the Kerala Forest Department, organized a successful mothing event at Paithalmala Hill Station. Led by faculty members Sneha C. and Azhar Ali A., the team recorded over 160 moth species and documented more than 500 individual moths. This event highlighted the rich biodiversity of the region and the essential role moths play in the ecosystem. The data collected will contribute to ongoing research and conservation efforts, fostering a deeper appreciation for these vital insects.

One Day Workshop on Moth Identification

One Day Workshop on Moth Identification

Department of Forestry in association with the Forestry club Sir Syed College Taliparamba is organizing a one-day workshop in connection with the National Moth Week Celebration 2024. Registration Fees: 200 Rs For more Details contact: Sneha C, 9447772507.

Click here to Register

One Day Workshop

One Day Workshop

Nodal centre for IIRS distance learning program, Department of Forestry, Sir Syed College in association with Indian Institute of Remote Sensing, Govt. of India is organising a one day workshop on the Utilisation of Sun-Induced chlorophyll fluorescence in Vegetation Studies. The program will be host at the college IT centre on 18/07/2024 from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM. For more details contact: 8943189531, 7907612297



Greeting from the Department of Forestry, Sir Syed College. We are excited to celebrate ‘VAN MAHOTSAV 2024’. Van Mahotsav week is celebrated from the 1st to the 7th of July. This week is chosen because of the fact that in many parts of India, this period experiences the south-west monsoon, providing a favorable condition for afforestation. The Van Mahotsav week is celebrated not only with afforestation but also with a variety of activities such as cultural programs, awareness campaigns, educational seminars etc. The primary goal behind the Van Mahotsav Week is to promote the importance of forests and green spaces for maintaining ecological balance. To mark the event, the Department of Forestry in association with the 'SAMVED' (SPACIAL ANALYSIS, MAPPING, VISUALIZATION & EXPLORATION DOMAIN), GIS unit is mapping the greenery of the campus, which allows for monitoring changes in vegetation over time, which can indicate environmental health, biodiversity trends and extend of green cover loss due to constructions.

International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking | 26 June

International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking | 26 June

By resolution 42/112 of 7 December 1987, the General Assembly decided to observe 26 June as the International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking as an expression of its determination to strengthen action and cooperation to achieve the goal of an international society free of drug abuse. The global drug problem presents a multifaceted challenge that touches the lives of millions worldwide. From individuals struggling with substance use disorders to communities grappling with the consequences of drug trafficking and organized crime, the impact of drugs is far-reaching and complex. Central to addressing this challenge is the imperative to adopt a scientific evidence-based approach that prioritizes prevention and treatment. THEME : “The evidence is clear: invest in prevention”

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World Environment Day 2024

World Environment Day 2024

This year’s World Environment Day campaign focuses on land restoration, desertification and drought resilience under the slogan “Our land. Our future. We are #GenerationRestoration.” Department of Forestry, Sir Syed College is also taking part in the global celebrations

Monsoon Watch 2024

Monsoon Watch 2024

The Department of Forestry invites you to a photo contest on the occasion of World Environment Day 2024. Snap stunning pictures of frogs in their natural habitats and share with us. Win exciting prizes - join the fun!



The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) India is set to celebrate Earth Hour 2024 on March 23 from 8.30 p.m. to 9.30 p.m., worldwide. Naure Club and Department of Forestry, Sir Syed Colllege is also took part in the campaign. ഭൂമിയെ സംരക്ഷിക്കുക എന്ന സന്ദേശവുമായി വേള്‍ഡ് വൈഡ് ഫണ്ട് ഫോര്‍ നേച്ചര്‍ (WWF) ആരംഭിച്ച ഈ സംരംഭത്തില്‍ 190ല്‍പ്പരം ലോകരാഷ്ട്രങ്ങള്‍ സാധാരണയായി എല്ലാ വര്‍ഷവും മാര്‍ച്ച് മാസത്തിലെ അവസാനത്തെ ശനിയാഴ്ച ഒരു മണിക്കൂര്‍ പ്രതീകാത്മകമായി വൈദ്യുതി വിളക്കുകള്‍ അണച്ച് പങ്കുചേരുന്നു. ഇത്തവണ മാര്‍ച്ച് 23 ന് ഭൗമ മണിക്കൂര്‍ ആചരിക്കാനാണ് ആഹ്വാനം.വൈദ്യുതി ഉപയോഗം ക്രമാതീതമായി ഉയരുന്ന ഈ കാലഘട്ടത്തില്‍ ഭൗമ മണിക്കൂര്‍ ആചരണത്തിന് വലിയ പ്രസക്തിയുണ്ട്.’




World Water Day celebrates water and inspires action to tackle the global water crisis. A core focus of World Water Day is to support the achievement of Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 6: water and sanitation for all by 2030. World Water Day is an annual United Nations Observance – held on 22 March – focusing on the importance of freshwater, coordinated by UN-Water and led by one or more UN-Water Members and Partners with a related mandate.




The United Nations General Assembly proclaimed 21 March the International Day of Forests in 2012 to celebrate and raise awareness of the importance of all types of forests. Countries are encouraged to undertake local, national and international efforts to organize activities involving forests and trees, such as tree planting campaigns.

Quiz Competition

Quiz Competition

Department of Forestry in association with Nature Club, Sir Syed College is conducting an online quiz Competition as part of the International Forest day Celebration.

Poster and Cartoon Competition

Poster and Cartoon Competition

Department of Forestry in association with Nature Club Sir Syed College Thaliparampa is organising a poster designing and Cartoon Competition in the light of world forest day celebration. The theme for the poster designing Competition is "Human animal interactions" and the theme for cartoon drawing competition is "Forest Fire". Exciting prices are awaiting the winners.

Campus Bird Count, GBBC 2024

Campus Bird Count, GBBC 2024

World Wetlands Day

World Wetlands Day

World Wetlands Day is celebrated every year on 2 February. This day marks the date of the adoption of the Convention on Wetlands on 2 February 1971, in the Iranian city of Ramsar on the shores of the Caspian Sea.

World Wetlands Day

Synchronised Bird Survey at Wayanad Wildlife Sanctuary 2024

Synchronised Bird Survey at Wayanad Wildlife Sanctuary 2024

Department of Forestry in association with Forestry Club members participated in the Synchronised Bird Survey at Wayanad Wildlife Sanctuary on 26,27,and 28th of January 2024



Department of Forestry participated in Asian WaterBird Census. Every January, thousands of volunteers across Asia and Australasia visit wetlands in their country and count waterbirds. This citizen science programme is the Asian Waterbird Census (AWC). The AWC is an integral part of the global waterbird monitoring programme, the International Waterbird Census (IWC), coordinated by Wetlands International. It runs in parallel with other regional programmes of the International Waterbird Census in Africa, Europe, West Asia, the Neotropics and the Caribbean.

Field Visit

Field Visit

Students of the Department of Forestry had an exercise on the preparation of the Working plan under the guidance of the Kannur working plan officer Hon. Ajith K Raman, Divisional Forest Officer.

International Day of Forests and World Water Day Celebration

International Day of Forests and World Water Day Celebration

Department of Forestry, Sir Syed College, Taliparamba organized an interdepartmental quiz competition in association with the International Day of Forests and World Water day Celebrations. Department of Physics represented by Mr. Christy Jils and Mr. Midhun VP bagged the first prize and a cash prize, and department of Forestry represented by Mr. Abhishek PV and Mr. Parvan Das secured the Second prize.

World Sparrow Day Celebration

World Sparrow Day Celebration

Department of Forestry, Sir Syed College, Taliparamba celebrated the world sparrow day. It is designated to raise awareness about sparrow conservation and protection, as their numbers are declining globally. The first commemoration of the day occurred in 2010. As part of the celebration, the faculty of the department, along with the students, placed water pots for the birds. This act of kindness was especially important as the summer months can be intense, and birds may have difficulty finding water. By providing water pots, the department and its students demonstrated their commitment to preserving the natural environment and protecting the wildlife that calls it home.

Synchronised vulture survey conducted in Wayanad

Synchronised vulture survey conducted in Wayanad

A synchronised vulture survey that concluded in the Wayanad landscape, including in the Wayanad Wildlife Sanctuary, South and North Wayanad forest divisions, recently recorded 121 sightings of three species of vultures. As many as 65 participants representing various research institutes, including the Kerala Forest Research Institute, University of Calicut, Kerala Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Sir Syed College, Taliparamba, and Malabar Christian College, Kozhikode participated in the survey. P. Muhammed Shabab, Chief Conservator of Forest, Palakkad, inaugurated the programme and Mr. Kumar presided.

Interaction with Forest Ofiicials

Interaction with Forest Ofiicials

The fourth semester students of this department got an opportunity to interact with the forest officials of Vazhachal Forest division. Mr. Noushad, Beat Forest Officer took session on how forest administrations were carried out. He also explained about different tribal settlements inside the forest area and their rituals.

Sandal Regeneration Survey

Sandal Regeneration Survey

The Second year BSc Students of this department carried out a sandal regeneration survey inside the natural Sandal areas of Vellikulangara Range of Chalakkudy Division on 17/02/2023. The Survey was conducted in a sampling plot basis. The natural sandal areas of the Range were divided into eight samples plots and teams of students surveyed along each sample plots. Each teams were accompanied by forest officials. The report of the sandal regeneration survey was given to the Range Forest Officer which can be utilized for further administrative purposes.

Trekking at Vazhachal Forest

Trekking at Vazhachal Forest

Fourth semester BSc Forestry students have got an opportunity to experience the forest and to understand different administrative activities conducted inside a protected area. The students along with their teachers had a forest trekking at Charpa Range of Vazhachal Forest Division on 18/02/2023. They were accompanied by the forest officials. They explained about different field activities conducted inside a forest range. Along the way the students were very curious to collect information about the trees and wild fauna they encountered.

Conducted Asian Waterbird Census

Conducted Asian Waterbird Census

Forestry club, Sir Syed College, conducted the Asian Waterbird Census jointly initiated by the Bombay Natural History Society and Wetlands International. This This citizen science programme  is an integral part of the global waterbird monitoring programme. The students of Forestry club surveyed the Kattampally and Ezhome wetland areas together with the bird watchers of Kannur Birders on 14th, 15th of January, 2023

Career orientation class

Career orientation class

Department of Forestry organised a session on career orientation and Higher educational opportunities in Forestry abroad for the final year students. Mr Yadu Krishna, an aluminous handled the session.

Bird Survey at Attpadi

Bird Survey at Attpadi

Final year students of the department participated in the Bird survey conducted in Attapadi Foresr Range by Kerala Forest Department and Kerala Bird Monitoring Network. This was a citizen science initiative. About 238 species of birds were recorded during the survey.

Nature Walk

Nature Walk

Department of Forestry, Sir Syed College Thaliparampa conducted a nature walk at ' Pathrandam Chal' Bird Area in connection with the world wildlife conservation day celebration. Faculties of Forestry recorded and documented the Biodiversity of an unexplored birding hotspot. Ms. Sneha, Hod, leaded the

Student interaction with radio jokie

Student interaction with radio jokie

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THE GREAT “BIRDAY”, Commemorating the 'Bird Man of India'

THE GREAT “BIRDAY”, Commemorating the 'Bird Man of India'

Forestry Club, Sir SYed College, Taliparamba organized a bird race in connection with the commemoration of Dr. Salim Ali, ‘Bird Man of India’. As part of the program students of the department conducted short bird watching expeditions in and around their backyards. Prizes were given to the students with more number of checklists



The Forestry Association 2022-23 was inaugurated by Mr. Ashraf K, ACF, Kannur. The function was presided by Dr, Ismail Olayikkara, Principal Sir Syed College. Ms. sneha C, Ms. Haritha. M and Mr. Azharali A, department faculties, felicitated the function. A tree was planted in the Sir Syed Botanical garden as part of the inaugural ceremony. Kumari Aysha Suman, Secretary Forestry Association given the Vote of Thanks. The function was concluded by 12.30 PM with the cultural activities of students. 

Ranipuram Visit

Ranipuram Visit

Department of Forestry, Sir Syed College conducted a field visit for the first year under graduates. Thirty four students accompanied by the faculties visit the Ranipujram Hills in the Kasaragod district. The primary aim of the visit was to make the students acquainted with the identification and taxonomy of different flora and fauna found inside forest areas. Ms. Sneha, HoD, explained the identification characters of different forest trees.

FOCUS 2022 Orientation Program

FOCUS 2022 Orientation Program

Faculty members of Forestry Department, Sir Syed College took expert lectures in the orientation program FOCUS 2022 for the first semester students of MSc Wood Science and Technology at Kannur University Campus, Mangattuparampa.

Anti Drug Awareness Class

Anti Drug Awareness Class

Department of Forestry conducted Anti Drug Awarenes class to the newly admitted students as part of the anti drug awareness campaign initiated by Govt. of Kerala. Mr. Azhar Ali, faculty of Forestry gave awareness among the students about the ill effects of drug abuse. He also explained about the social and mental trauma experienced by drug abusers.



In order to make students acquaint with the common butterflies, a Butterfly Walk was organized at Muyyam River basin. The specially curated event included river trail trek, bird watching, butterfly watching, searching for butterfly caterpillars, learning lifecycles of butterflies etc. Ms. Sneha C, HoD, Department of Forestry, Sir Syed College, Taliparamba explained about the identification characters of common butterflies. All the participants were provided with certificates.



Forestry club in association with World Wildlife Fund India, conducted a bio monitoring at Kattampally - Muderikkadavu wetland on 15th October, 2022. Forestry club members and faculty of Forestry, Sir Syed College were participated. 11 Species of odonates were recorded.

World Wildlife Week Celebrations "Bird Walks"

World Wildlife Week Celebrations "Bird Walks"

As part of the wildlife week celebration Department of Forestry, organized Bird Walk- a bird watching program at Chinnar Wildlife sanctuary 08th October 2022.  Ms. Sneha C, Head of the department, gave a lecture on identification of common birds. Students along with the faculty explored the bird diversity of Chinnar Wildlife Sanctuary.

International Tiger Day Celebrations

International Tiger Day Celebrations

On International Tiger Day an online lecture was held on various topics such as tiger conservation strategies, challenges and present scenario in India. Mr Jishnu M, Wildlife Geneticist and Wildlife Biologist, Wayanad Wildlife Sanctuary, Kerala handled the session. Forestry and Nature Club members were actively participated in the discussion.

World Mangrove Day Observation

World Mangrove Day Observation

Department of Forestry in association with Kerala Forest and Wildlife Department and Social Forestry Division, Kannur observed World Mangrove Day on July 26 at Chaal Beech by planting Mangrove Seedlings. Sri. G Pradeep, Assistant Conservator of Forest inaugurated the function.

Vanamahotsava Week

Vanamahotsava Week

Observed Vanamahotsava week celebrations on the first week of July, 2018. Club members took classes about “Nature conservation” and conduct quiz competitions in nearby schools

World Frog Day

World Frog Day

As part of World Frog Day 2022, an expert lecture on ‘Ambhibians of Kerala’ was organised for the Forestry club and Nature club members of Sir Syed College. Sri Sandeep Das, renowned Naturalist cum EDGE fellow took the session. Mrs. Sneha, C HoD, and Mrs. Haritha, M Faculty (Forestry) felicitated the function. Students and nature enthusiast from various universities attended the programme.

World Sparrow Day

World Sparrow Day

As part of World Sparrow Day, Forestry club and Nature club members had conducted a house sparrow census at Taliparamba Municipality. Hotspots were identified and provisions ere given for nesting for sparrows. Bird baths were established in many places in the municipality. Sparrow Campaign was inaugurated by Municipal Chairperson Mrs. Murshida Kongayi.

Mangrove awareness Class

Mangrove awareness Class

An awareness class on Mangrove conservation was organised for the Forestry club and Nature club members of Sir Syed College in association with Social Forestry Division, Kerala Forest and Wildlife Department at Kannur Kandal Project Head Quarters, Edat. Sri. Ramith, Field Officer, Wildlife Trust of India detailed the importance of Mangroves and the need of its conservation to students. After the class there was a field visit to nearby Mangrove area in which the students could feel and realise the peculiar features of mangroves and the biodiversity associated with mangrove ecosystem. Sri. Pradeep, AK Assistant Conservator of Forest, Kerala Forest and Wildlife Department, Smt Sneha, C, HoD, Department of Forestry, Sir Syed College etc were present in the gathering.

Campus Biodiversity Register

Campus Biodiversity Register

preparation of Campus Biodiversity Register of Sir Syed College. Forestry Club secretary, Mr. Mohammed Aslam took an orientation class regarding the methodology and identification for biodiversity

Nilgiri Tahr count

Nilgiri Tahr count

Members participated in Nilgiri Tahr count from May 9-16, 2019

Aralam butterfly survey

Aralam butterfly survey

Members participated in Aralam butterfly survey from January 4-6, 2019

Nilambur butterfly survey

Nilambur butterfly survey

Members participated in Nilambur butterfly survey on December 7-9, 2018

Wildlife week

Wildlife week

Celebrated Wildlife week on the first week of October, 2018. Club members organized interdepartmental poster making and extempore competitions related to the topic “Wildlife” and conducted quiz programmes in nearby schools.

World Snake day

World Snake day

Celebrated World Snake day in association with Parassinikadavu Snake Park, Kannur on July 16, 2018. Dr Muraleedharan A.K, Principal of Parassinikadavu Ayurvedha Medical College took a lecture on Snake bite- Diagnosis and management.

Nature Camp

Nature Camp

Conducted Two day Nature camp at Parambikulam National Park on March 18-19, 2018

Nature camps conducted

Nature camps conducted

Conducted Two day Nature camp at Thattekkad Bird sanctuary from 13-15, February, 2018